COVID-19 Credit Guarantee Scheme
Matheson advises Brookfield Renewable on Facebook Corporate PPA
Matheson recently advised the DPO Group on its acquisition by Network International Holdings plc
AFME Outsourcing - Guidance on the Legal and Regulatory Framework
Thomson Reuters Practical Law Q&A guide to Corporate Governance and Directors’ Duties in Ireland
Irish Competition Law Update: What’s New?
A new statutory exception to the Rule against Hearsay
Irish Law and Practice chapter of the Chambers Doing Business In… 2020 Guide
Businesses Urged to Plan Ahead for All Brexit Options at FT Brexit Summit
Matheson Brexit Event Hears from EU Commissioner Phil Hogan
Access Post-Brexit: Are you in or out?
Brexit Interview with Tánaiste Simon Coveney and Matheson’s Michael Jackson
Central Bank Deputy Governor on Ireland’s Flexibility to Brexit Relocations
Companies (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Covid-19) Act 2020 (the “Act”)
Companies (Miscellaneous Provisions) (COVID-19) Act 2020:The Corporate Law Perspective
Q&A: completing public M&A transactions in Ireland
Private Mergers and Acquisitions in Ireland: Overview
Dismissal for Advising Customer to Forge Ex-Husband’s Signature Upheld on Appeal
Matheson recently advised Mergon Group as part of an investment by Elysian Capital
Top Five Employment Law Issues in 2019