Our Insurance Group provides legal services to insurance and reinsurance companies, insurance intermediaries and captive managers active in Ireland. We represent leading domestic Irish insurers and intermediaries, for whom we undertake both contentious and non-contentious work. We have particular experience in advising on the establishment, authorisation, compliance, corporate governance and restructuring of insurance and reinsurance operations in Ireland.
Discover more on Insurance here.

Irish Temporary Run-off Regime for UK/Gibraltar authorised insurers and insurance intermediaries post Brexit
On 1 January 2021 the Central Bank of Ireland launched a dedicated webpage on the operation of the Temporary Run off Regime (“TRR”) for Insurers and Insurance Intermediaries.
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What Impact Will Brexit Have on Insurance and Reinsurance in Ireland
Matheson Insurance partners co-author the Irish chapter for the Law Business Research Insurance and Reinsurance Law Review 2019, looking at trends in the sector in Ireland.

The Impact of Brexit for Policyholders in Ireland
Given the fact that the UK insurance market is the biggest in the EU, Matheson has been advising risk managers / insurance buyers and corporate policyholders in relation to the particular impact of Brexit on non-life insurance policies.
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The Wholesale / Retail Distribution Model Post a No-Deal Brexit
For insurance intermediaries a no-deal Brexit has the potential to fundamentally shift the foundations underpinning its industry.

Deputy Governor on Ireland’s Flexibility to Brexit Relocations
Central Bank of Ireland Deputy Governor Ed Sibley shares his thoughts on recent ECB guidance.

Brexit Relocations: The Story So Far
Darren Maher discusses Brexit relocations to Ireland in The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Insurance and Reinsurance 2018.

Brexit: Passport from Ireland
Read our comparison on transitional arrangements and equivalence arrangements.
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Post Brexit: Where Next for UK Insurers?
Update on EU passporting rights and unrestricted access to the single market of the EU after the UK leaves the European Union.
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