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Estate and Tax Planning

As qualified tax and legal advisors, we provide a comprehensive service to our clients to meet their estate planning needs.  Estate planning describes the effective transmission of wealth, in lifetime or death.  We work closely with clients  to understand their personal circumstances and provide a tailored estate plan to achieve the client’s wishes and mitigate exposure to tax.

We regularly advise and implement a range of estate planning solutions for clients, including in the form of lifetime gifts, the use of limited partnerships, the creation of discretionary trusts and other structures or Will-based planning to structure wealth across the generations. On working with the client to identify what they wish to achieve and the needs of those they wish to benefit, we can recommend the best option for the client.

We also advise families with foreign investments on estate planning issues in conjunction with their overseas advisors.  This requires a sophisticated understanding of the way foreign marital property regimes, tax and succession law rules operate.

We advise clients in relation to Capital Acquisitions Tax and Capital Gains Tax planning, focusing in particular on the availability of certain reliefs (business and agricultural assets) and exemptions.


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