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Sustainable Finance

Sustainable Finance Legal and Regulatory Study

This report, authored by Matheson and commissioned by the International Sustainable Finance Centre of Excellence (ISFCOE) through support from Skillnet Ireland, provides an overview of the global legal and regulatory landscape, an update on recent legal and regulatory developments impacting sustainable finance and an outline of pending and possible future developments.

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European Commission Consultation on SFDR | PDF

The European Commission (“Commission”) has published a public consultation and a targeted consultation relating to its review of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”).

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ESAs Propose Changes to SFDR Level 2 | PDF

Having filed updated pre-contractual disclosures to comply with the Level 2 requirements under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation ("SFDR") at the end of 2022, there was no time for fund managers to rest on their laurels.

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European Commission June 2023 Sustainable Finance Package | PDF

The European Commission ("Commission") has published a number of legislative proposals and supporting documents with a view to further developing the EU sustainable finance framework. 

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Sustainable Finance

Commission Answers ESAs’ Queries on Implementation of the SFDR | PDF

On 14 April 2023, the European Commission (“Commission”) published the answers to the eight questions submitted to it by the European Supervisory Authorities (“ESAs”) in September 2022 in relation to the implementation of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”). 

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European Regulators Seeking Evidence of Greenwashing | PDF

This note focuses on The European Supervisory Authorities (“ESAs”) call for evidence on Greenwashing to gather information to enable them to understand the key features, drivers and risks associated with greenwashing and to collect examples of potential greenwashing practices.

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EU Regulators Provide Guidance on SFDR Level 2 Requirements | PDF

This note focuses on a questions and answers document (“Q&A”) published by the European Supervisory Authorities (“ESAs”) addressing questions of interpretation and practical issues relating to the use of the templates provided in the RTS.

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Central Bank of Ireland Speech and Information Note on Sustainable Finance and the Asset Management Industry | PDF

The Central Bank of Ireland hosted a seminar on sustainable finance and asset management and issued an information note setting out the findings of its SFDR Level 1 spot checks and its supervisory roadmap.

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Proposed Amendments to SFDR RTS to include Nuclear and Gas Activities | PDF

The European Commission adopted a delegated regulation and annexes amending and correcting the regulatory technical standards under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation to include nuclear and gas disclosures.

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ESMA Consultation on Fund Names Using ESG or Sustainability | PDF

ESMA is consulting on the use of ESG or sustainability-related terms in fund names.

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SFDR and the Taxonomy Regulation | PDF

Regulators Provide Guidance on Implementation (April 2022)

The updated supervisory statement on the application of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation was recently published by the European Supervisory Authorities, followed by a meeting between Irish Funds industry representatives and the Central Bank of Ireland to discuss implementation issues.

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Sustainable Finance ESG

Sustainable Finance and Investment Funds | PDF

2020 saw the climate crisis and sustainability enter the mainstream globally, with governments and regulators prioritising sustainability in their agendas. 

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Asset Management Spotlight 1

New ESG Disclosure Requirements | PDF

This note focuses on the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, known as the SFDR or the Disclosure Regulation.

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New ESG Disclosure

Specific Requirements for Article 8 Light Green Funds| PDF

This note focuses on the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation,
known as the SFDR or the Disclosure Regulation, and in particular the requirements for investment funds that fall within the scope of Article 8 of the Disclosure Regulation, known as “Light Green” funds

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Light Green

Specific Requirements for Article 9 Dark Green Funds | PDF

This note focuses on the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation,
known as the SFDR or the Disclosure Regulation, and in particular the requirements for investment funds that fall within the scope of Article 9 of the Disclosure Regulation, known as “Dark Green” funds.

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Green Funds

The Principal Adverse Impact Statement | PDF

This note focuses on the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, known as the SFDR or the Disclosure Regulation, and in particular the requirements relating to the principal adverse impact statement (“PAIS”)

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Principle Adverse

ESG Related Changes to UCITS & AIFMD Level 2| PDF

This note focuses on the elements of the Action Plan related
to amendments to measures adopted under the UCITS Directive and the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (“AIFMD”) (known as “level 2” measures) relating to the integration of sustainability factors.

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ESG Related Changes


Mandatory Disclosure Templates in the SFDR / Taxonomy RTS

Tara Doyle shares her views on the mandatory disclosures templates, which are now being considered by the European Commission. 


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Recent changes to the mandatory disclosure templates under the latest SFDR RT

Philip Lovegrove outlines why the “tick-the-box” disclosures defining sub-categories under the Article 8 and Article 9 SFDR categories may be a welcome development.

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SFDR Article 8 Funds

Barry O'Connor discusses Light Green Funds as part of the Webinar Series 

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Article 8 SFDR

SFDR General Disclosure Requirements

Michelle Ridge discusses the general disclosure requirements under the SFDR as part of the Webinar Series

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Article 6 SFDR

SFDR Policies

Shay Lydon discusses the sustainability risk policy and remuneration policy requirements under the SFDR as part of the Webinar Series

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Risks SFDR

SFDR Article 9 Funds

A Matheson partner discusses Dark Green Funds as part of the Webinar Series 

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Article 9 SFDR

The Principal Adverse Impact Statement

Sarah O'Meara discusses the PAIS requirements under the SFDR as part of the Webinar Series. 

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Principle Adverse SFDR